Welcome to Save Kenya Water Towers

Save Kenya Water Towers is a National Non-Governmental Organization registered with the NGO’s Coordination Board in the year 2010.
Save Kenya Water Towers is mandated to operate in four counties Uasingishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, and West Pokot in the Republic of Kenya. Currently we are operating in five counties Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasingishu, West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, and Nakuru.
Our headquarters is situated in Eldoret town in Uasingishu County.
Save Kenya Water Towers is an active member of Kenya Climate Change Working Group (KCCWG) which is an umbrella organization bringing together civil society organizations and donor partners in Kenya, to come together to form a united front in confronting the causes and effects of climate change in broad and specific terms in Kenya, Africa and elsewhere where their contribution would needed.

Our Initiatives

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Tree Nurseries & Tree Planting

Save Kenya Water Towers has been supporting Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), Women Groups, Youth Groups across the region that we cover.

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Biogas for Schools

Duped “The Green Ribbon Initiative” the Biogas project is one our biggest programmes that has taken us a long time to develop.

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Beehives and Livelihoods

Bees, nature's unsung heroes, play a vital role in preserving forests, supporting agriculture, and providing a diverse array of valuable products

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Tree Planting Campaigns

Since inception we have been doing tree planting in the Cherangani Water Towers.

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